Is The Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint course right for you? Yes ... if you're serious about stepping up your grantseeking game.
Hopefully by now you're getting pretty excited about what The Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint can do for you, your nonprofit, and the community you serve.
But if you're like me, you probably have some questions. And maybe the first one is:
"Maryn, I don't know ... Is The Blueprint course right for me? You see, I'm a ..."
"I'm a do-it-all executive director with a thousand things on my plate, trying to figure out how to fit grantwriting in ..."
(That sounds like Susan when she took the training! Here's what she found out.)

"I'm a devoted board member who stepped up to write grants and I'm wondering how to make this work ..."
(Linda stepped up as a board member too. Here's what the training did for her.)

"I'm a complete newbie to grantseeking. I want to do well - but frankly I don't even know where to start ..."
(Liela came to the training as a total newbie. See why she calls it her best investment ever.)

"I'm an experienced grantwriter, with a lot of success - so I don't need a 'Grantwriting 101'-type course ..."
(Barbara just wanted a brush-up. Here's what she got instead.)

"I'm an independent consultant - with a lot of different clients. Is there a framework I could share to help them get clear on what we need to build a solid proposal?"
(George wondered the same thing. See why he says he "struck gold" with the course.)

“Hands down, this is the BEST INVESTMENT I HAVE EVER MADE!”
Liela Abass
Grant Writer
Zaman International - Hope for Humanity
Dearborn, MI
“ … a comprehensive course that gave me immediately-usable resources that improve every aspect of our fund raising effectiveness …”

“ … absolutely packed with great information, insights and laser-like tactics that can be implemented immediately …”
Darshan Dawson
Volunteer Marketing Manager
Hoofbeats with Heart
San Tan Valley, AZ

“Maryn’s course is industrial strength, systematic in its approach and beautifully executed.”
Wayne Pierce
Graphic Art Council/Portland Art Museum
Portland, OR

“ … an engaging and fresh take on both the art and science of grant-writing …”
Barbara Gorzinski
Director of Program Development
Associated Ministries of Tacoma-Pierce County
Tacoma, WA
“ . . . the step-by step outlines and processes helped break down vague concepts into precise segments with specific boundaries . . .”

Linda Casady
President of the Board of Directors
Youth Empowerment Shelter
The Dalles, OR
“ ... (Your Blueprint) is so good it made me want to cry ..."
"I learned more in 90 minutes with you than I've learned in two-day grant proposal writing seminars."
-- Jeri Kemmer, Program Developer, Strong Harvest International (Vancouver, WA)
"I just came across your 'Grant Proposal Blueprint' (webinar session). It is so good it made me want to cry. Out of all the books and seminars and workshops I have attended, your Blueprint, in a mere 90 minutes, succinctly outlines what organizations need to do to be successful with foundations."
-- Diane Wiley, Independent Grant Writer (Long Beach, CA)
"I have participated in your last two webinars and I just want to tell you how valuable each of them was to me. Supremely organized, clear and to the point. Thank you!"
-- Sue Shattuc, Independent Grant/Proposal Writer (Portland, OR)
"I was fortunate enough to participate in your first webinar session ('The Power of Mission-Centered Grantsmanship') last week. . . . I was so excited to see that you really stuck to your goal of providing information for veteran grant writers (as well as novices), allowing us to deepen our existing experience of grant writing. I feel like I have a whole new way of looking at the grant process already, after only one webinar!!"
-- Betsy Castle, Executive Director, Council Circle Foundation (Boise, ID)
More 5-star student reviews:

Exceptional Grant Proposal Course
I've been writing grants for just under 10 years and have also served on reviewer panels for a particular federal grant for about as many years. I enrolled in the course because although I had gotten very "good" at writing and winning grants, I lost two big ones in the last couple of years. It rocked my self-confidence - this, in spite of the fact that I have won about 4.5 million dollars in federal, state and local funds for several school districts over the last 5 years. This course didn't just restore my confidence, but the sections on having a 3-D Perspective, what occurs in the Black Box of Grantmakers (awesome, awesome, awesome), and the powerful use of the Logic Model in shaping, planning and developing a grant proposal so that everything makes sense, were particularly healing and strengthening to me. Maryn, what a wonderful job! I have learned a great deal from you, grown tremendously, and been truly blessed by your final perspective of what all of this should truly be about! Thank you again and again for giving so much value and so much really rich instruction to even those of us who have been at the "grantmanship game" for quite awhile. My kudos to you!
-- Elaine Penn

Top Notch Grants Education!
This course was AMAZING. As a self-paced, online course with live support (online, phone, and bi-weekly call-in opportunities) this course gave me a much greater insight into why my proposals have and have not been funded. AND it gave me concrete ways to review/revise those proposals for the future.
- Kaddee Lawrence, Community Leadership Consultant (Seattle, WA)

Five Stars - Plus!
This course made a difference not only for me but for the team-members I invited to take part in the course. Our collective confidence is sky-high and everyone is talking enthusiastically about “the magic wand”. This course is not only a complete decoding of vital elements that go into a successful proposal, it unlocks behind-the-scenes information about funders, their perspectives, and how decisions are made. The templates and workbook are wonderful tools and everything is easy to understand. This course has made my colleagues and me true believers that we are capable agents of positive change in the world through our grant writing. And Maryn Boess is unquestionably a card-carrying member of our grant success team!
- Barbara Gorzinski, Associated Ministries of Tacoma-Pierce County (WA)

Covers EVERY aspect of a proposal!
I give 5 stars. I've taken a couple of other courses that I found informative and useful. However, this course probes deeper into grant readiness. Maryn covers EVERY aspect of a proposal -- from digging more deeply to create a mission statement to producing a proposal that clearly details an organization's purpose and necessity. I came away with many tools and insights that have enabled me to provide more value to my clients.
-- Suzanne Ryan, Suzanne Ryan Grantwriting (VA)

Thank you from a newbie
Being new to the grant world this was a very eye opening experience. I am part of a grant managing team but took this course to understand the process it took to get the grant and how to manage it. This course has given me the tools to seek my own grants and know what grant makers are looking for. Thank you for a wonderful course.
-- Mark Cox

The Ultimate Ultimate
This course is not for those who think that learning to be a grant writer is easy, for it isn't. The course is thoughtful as well as practical and requires a commitment to DO SOMETHING after every one of the eight lesson. I've taken grant writing courses before that took tactical approach to the grant making process. They concentrated on how to write an application or how to fill out forms. They did not tackle the planning aspects necessary to prepare an organization for conceiving a proposal, for seeking out appropriate grant funders, for submitting a grantable application, or for following up if the proposal us successful in getting funded. To the serious student of mission-centered grant writing (the only consistently successful grant writing ), the course is worth every penny of the tuition price.
-- Nancy Mitchell Ash, Equamore Foundation (CA)

Five Stars - Outstanding Grant Writing Class
I have attended other grant workshops in the past, and I can say unequivocally that The Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint was the most comprehensive, useful, worthwhile class I've ever taken. The skills and resources that I took away have already helped me write three proposals, and I'm optimistic they will succeed. There is much information here that carries beyond grant writing to nonprofit planning and management. Maryn's style is friendly and engaging; she really knows the grant writing world from both the funder's and the fund seeker's perspective.
-- Marilyn Smith, Executive Director, Unite to Fight Paralysis (OR)