If you already have a GrantStation subscription, you can renew it at any time - seamlessly! - and get our special GrantsMagic U members-only rate of just $139 for the year!
No matter where you purchased your GrantStation subscription and no matter when it ends ... you can renew now, and the new one-year term will pick up when the old one ends - automatically!
It's easy to do. Here's the step by step process for renewing GrantStation through GrantsMagic U:***
- Follow this link to GrantStation's special GrantsMagic U members page (showing the $139/year pricing).
- Once on the $139 product page, click on the "login" link in the top right corner to sign in to your CURRENT GrantStation account. (This is the important step for renewing a current membership!)
- Enter your CURRENT GrantStation username and password.
- Now you can follow the on-screen steps to purchase the GrantStation subscription for at the GrantsMagic U partner price of $139.
- Your one-year renewal term will begin seamlessly when your current subscription expires!
***If you don't yet have a GrantStation subscription - or if it has lapsed - you can use this link to sign up for the GrantStation special subscription rate at any time.
- Please do not share these links! - Under the terms of our agreement with GrantStation, this special partner pricing is exclusively available to you as an GrantsMagic U-enrolled member. (If you have friends or colleagues who would like to be "in" on this partner pricing, please direct them to this link to set up their GrantsMagic U account first: https://go.grantsmagic.org/grantstation.)
- If you have questions about GrantsMagic U or about logging into your GrantsMagic U account, please email Maryn here.
- If you have questions about GrantStation's grants research services or about setting up or accessing your GrantStation subscription, please contact GrantStation directly at info@grantstation.com or (877) 784-7268 (tell them GrantsMagic U sent you!).